Compilation requirements

To ensure that the native code is created (and that it is created in a proper way), please, check where you have fulfilled these requirements.

Common requirements

Windows 7 or later

Windows Server 2008 or later

Glibc 2.14

FGLLDPATH specifying paths to C extensions and 4gl program modules, e.g.


FGLIMAGEPATH specifying paths to image files and Lycia theme files, e.g.


Requirements brought about due to using JAVA libraries

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8


CLASSPATH specifying additional paths to the compiled .class files or Java packages containing .class files

PATH specifying paths to executable files, e.g.,

Path=C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia\bin;C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia\lib;C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia\bin

  LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifying paths to dynamic libraries, e.g.,


Requirements brought about due to using C/C++/Esql-C sources

Visual Studio 2008 or later. For building object cache, use Visual Studio 2010 and later
OS compatible ANSI C/C++ compiler

LYCIA_DB_DRIVER specifying the database driver to be used, e.g., LYCIA_DB_DRIVER=informix

SQLSERVER specifying the ODBC data source name, e.g. SQLSERVER="dsn=database_name;uid=user_name;pwd=password"

All the environment variables can be set


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