Shows whether the application was run as a child application in the MDI mode or not.

Usage and examples

QX_CHILD belongs to the group of environment variables that are used for retrieving information but not for configuring Lycia.

Thus, it is determined automatically depending on how the application was launched.

If the application was launched in the SDI mode or as a parent container in the MDI mode, the value of QX_CHILD is NULL.

If the application was launched as a child application in the MDI mode, the value of QX_CHILD is not NULL.

You can retrieve the value of QX_CHILD - and learn whether the application was a child or not - by fgl_getproperty() or fgl_getenv():

DISPLAY fgl_getproperty("system.environment","QX_CHILD")TO f1

DISPLAY fgl_getenv("QX_CHILD")



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