This document describes how to use custom logging configurations on Lycia Web Server.
In versions higher than 5930, logging system contains SLF4J + Logback instead of JCL + Log4j.
By default, Lycia Web Server uses configuration bundled with Lycia client, LyciaWeb.war:WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml.
This default configuration is plugged by Jetty web server automatically.
For ,
you can enable user defined configuration instead of the default one in
this way:
Start → All applications → Q → Querix → Lycia Web Server Manager
and open the Java tad:
-Dlogback.configurationFile=<full path to log-alternate.xml>
Step 3. Restart Lycia WebServer.
For ,
you can enable user defined configuration instead of the default by following
these steps:
JAVA_OPTIONS=(${JAVA_OPTIONS[*]} "-Dlogback.configurationFile=<full path to log-alternate.xml>")
JAVA_OPTIONS=(${JAVA_OPTIONS[*]} "-Dlogback.configurationFile=/tmp/log-alt.xml")
Step 3. Restart Lycia Web Server (= qx-webserver service).