Debug perspective

Debug perspective is a group of views and editors which is used when debugging applications.

Debug perspective includes 11 views:


shows the breakpoints set for the 4gl program and allow you to enable and disable the breakpoints


provides debugging information in a tree-structured hierarchy


shows the results of evaluating an expression in the context of the current stack frame


provides a dynamic list of the executables and their source files


checks whether all the expressions in a scope were calculated properly


helps you to control and to customize your process memory


provides information about modules loaded in the current debugging session


records the information about the registers in the selected stack frame


shows the signals defined on the selected debug target and how these signals are handled


shows all variables of the current scope and allows modifying  the values of the necessary ones



When you open the Debug perspective, the following views open automatically:

All the other views can be opened manually.

Display and Memory opens in the bottom part of the Debug perspective.

Debug view opens in the upper left corner of the Debug perspective.

Variables, Breakpoints, Expressions,  Registers, Signals  and Modules views open in the upper right corner of the Debug perspective.  

Visualizer view opens directly below them.

Here you can find out how to open and manipulate perspectives.

Here you can find out how to open and manipulate views.



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