4gl project view

4GL Project view holds all the project files and resources systematize by the programs they are added to and allows manipulating these files and programs:

From this view, you can:

4GL Project view toolbar

Build the current project

builds the current project (separate programs are build from the context menu)

Clean the current project

cleans (=removes  building results from) the output folder of the current project (separate programs are cleaned from the context menu)

Rebuild the current project

rebuilds all the programs in the project at once (all the files in the project are cleaned and built, no matter whether they were modified since the latest build)

4GL Projects

opens the existing 4gl projects in the view :

or starts the New 4GL Project wizard:

Collapse all

collapses all the items in the view

View menu

opens the drop-down menu


minimizes the view


maximizes the view

From the drop-down menu of the 4GL Project view, you can perform these actions:

Hide empty categories

shows all groups of files that can be added to 4gl programs (is enabled by default) or hides the empty groups:


Hide excluded items

hides the items excluded from the active build configuration from the structure

Show filename only

shows only file names (is enabled by default):

Show project relative path

shows names and relative paths of files:

Show path in file system

shows names and full paths of files:

4GL Project  view context menu

From the 4GL Project view context menu these options are available.




allows creating new programs, files, and libraries (refer here to learn details about creating new objects with LyciaStudio):

Add requirements

calls the Add Requirements window that allows adding required programs, libraries, source and media files:


Open with

allows opening selected files with one of the build-in editors:



deletes the selected file or program



allows renaming the selected file or program


copies the selected file or program


pastes  the copied file or program



builds the selected program



rebuilds the selected program



cleans the selected program


Deploy to default application server

deploys the program to a default application server instance:


Deploy with SSH

opens the configuration window for SSH deployment


Deploy with custom parameters

opens the Deployment configuration window:



opens the Import wizard for importing projects, programs, and files:



opens the Export wizard for exporting projects, programs, and files:


Run As

allows running the application via one of graphical client - LyciaDesktop or LyciaWeb and opening the Run Configuration page:


Debug As

allows choosing the graphical client - LyciaDesktop or LyciaWeb - to debug the application with and opening Debug Configuration wizard:



validates the selected file and provides results in the Validation Results window



allows working with repositories (exact commands of the menu group depend on the repository selected - GIT or CVS)


Compare With

allows comparing files with each other and with external files (exact commands of the menu group depend on whether the programs is connected to a repository and the type of the repository):


Replace With

allows replacing files with each other and with external files (exact commands of the menu group depend on whether the programs is connected to a repository and the type of the repository):



opens the Properties window for the selected program or file:



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