Debug configurations

Debug configurations is used to start an application in the debug mode.

Debug configuration is created by default when you run  the program in debug mode for the first time.

Debug configurations include

If necessary, you can

Debug configurations are modified in the Debug configurations window.

There are three ways to open the Debug configurations window:

from the context menu of the program:

from the Debug toolbar group of the LyciaStudio main toolbar:

from the Run menu group of the LyciaStudio menu bar.

Debug configurations window

You can view and edit configurations in the Debug configurations window:

The Debug Configurations window has 4 tabs: Main, Graphical Clients, Application Servers and Common:


The Main tab includes:

You can add new arguments as well as edit the existing one both by direct typing and by using variables.

To use variables as debug arguments, you must set them via the corresponding dialog (opens after pressing the Variables... button):

Graphical clients

The Graphical Client tab shows which graphical was (or must be) used to run the program in the debug mode - can be either LyciaDesktop or LyciaWeb:


If the program was run via LyciaDesktop, the tab includes only the client name (see the screenshot above).

If the program was (or must be) run via LyciaWeb, the tab includes additional configuration details:

To specify whether the workspace setting were (or must be) used for running the program in the debug mode, check or uncheck the checkbox:

The workspace settings can be viewed and edited in the LyciaWeb sub-page of the Run/Debug preference page (you can move there by pressing Configure workspace settings...).

If necessary, you can use other settings to run the program in the debug mode. In this case you can choose the host name (by direct typing), the servlet root (by direct typing), and authentication scheme and ports:

URL preview will change after you specify the new settings:

(with workspace settings)

(with new settings)

Application Servers

In the Application Servers tab, you can view and change application server instances and deployment paths used when running applications in the debug mode:

As for application server instances, there are two possible options:

You can deploy your application to the application server root (by default) or specify one of its sub-folders depending on your production needs:

You can create a new folder or choose an existing one to deploy and run programs by browsing or direct typing:

In theory, you can uncheck the Deploy program to application server before launch.

However, we do not recommend you doing this because, if you uncheck the checkbox and change your program, then you will debug not the latest version of your program, but the version already deployed to the application server.


In Common tab, you specify:


You can save the debug configuration as a local file or as a shared file (can be selected by browsing or direct typing):

You can select and change the encoding parameters of your debug configuration. By default, it is UTF-8. Other possible encoding variants include ISO-8859-1, US-ASCII, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, and UTF-16LE:

In Standard Input and Output, you can:

By checking Append, you allow appending the output files (is enabled only when the Output File checkbox is checked). If you choose to uncheck the Append checkbox, the out put file will be recreated every time when you run the program in the debug mode:

By checking Launch in background, you allow launching the configuration in background:

Manipulate debug configuration

You can view and manipulate the debug configurations in the Debug configurations window:

Here you can:

To  duplicate or delete the necessary debug configuration, you select it in the list and choose the option you want to perform:

Duplicated configurations will have the same settings as their source ones.


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