How to configure the Properties pane in Lycia Form Designer

By default, the Properties pane displays all the properties available for a certain container or widget in the Lycia abstract model:

However, it is not convenient for an everyday 4gl development, since:

To make it easier for a 4gl developer to create forms in Lycia Form Designer, Querix has introduced a set of configuration files by which you can configure the Properties pane in the way that suits you most.

This configuration suite is available in all Lycia installation packages starting from 7.1.6512_07f3faf.

The configuration set is a part of the Lycia installation package and is created by the installer.

What you can do with this configuration set

With the help of this configurations suite, 4gl developers can

  1. Display the properties based on their popularity - make default the properties they use most often; move to advanced the properties they use not very frequently; and hide the properties they never use.
  2. Order the properties by a convenient order.
  3. Group the properties conveniently or remove all the groups, if necessary.

Where the configuration set is located

Once loaded, the configuration set is located together with other LyciaStudio configuration files.

If you use default installation paths, then you will find the configuration set at $LYCIA_DIR\LyciaStudio\etc:

C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia\LyciaStudio\etc

If you need, you can change the location of these configuration files.

In this case, you must specify the new folder in lyciastudio.ini - after -vmargs. For example,



-Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia\LyciaStudio\log_config\

-Dcom.querix.fgl.forms.designer.fd_properties=C:/Program Files/Querix/Lycia/LyciaStudio/my_configs/fd_properties

Types of configuration files

The set of configuration files includes 3 types of files:

Below are some examples of these files.

All the files are editable for users with administrative rights.

Structure of the configuration files

Group and element configuration files have a similar structure.

They contain three types of information:

Title is a commented line that includes the name group or element and the word config, e.g.,

#General group config

#FunctionField config

These lines tell LyciaStudio to use a definite group configuration file for configuring properties listed in it:

i_general.prp.csv $include$

i_layout.prp.csv $include$

If you do not refer to a included group configuration file, you will need to configure all such properties by hand in the element configuration file.

Precedence rules are given here.

These are the lines by which you configure the properties as such.

All the properties can be:

For example,




The default properties are displayed in the Properties pane when the Show advanced properties button - - is unpressed.

The advanced properties are displayed in the Properties pane when the Show advanced properties button - - is pressed.

The hidden properties are not displayed in the Properties pane - it doesn't matter whether the Show advanced properties button - - is pressed or unpressed.

The syntax of the line can be different depending on how you want to group properties:

The property will appear in the root of the Properties list:


The property will appear in the specified folder of the Properties list:


The property will appear in the sub-folder of the specified folder in the Properties list:


The folder will appear in the root of the Properties list:


How to change the configuration files

All the files in the configuration set are editable for users with administrative rights.

To change the configuration file, you must follow these simple steps.

Step 1. Open the necessary configuration file.

Step 2. Configure the property by editing, adding, or removing its line.

Step 3. Save the configuration file.

Step 4. Restart LyciaStudio.

Step 5. Open an .fm2 form in the Design mode.

Now the location of the property in the Properties pane has changed.

Important things to remember

This set of configuration files was created to make it easier for a 4gl developer to create .fm2 forms.

That is why their mechanism and syntax is very simple.

However, there are some basic rules that you must still remember.

  1. Element configuration files precede over group configuration files - if you hide a property differently in the group and move it to advanced in the element configuration file, it will be advanced in LyciaStudio.
  2. In LyciaStudio, properties appear in the same order as they are written in the configuration file.
  3. Names of the configuration files are case-sensitive.
  4. Misspelled properties are ignored - misspelling will do no harm to the form but the property will be configured in one of the group configuration files.
  5. If you accidentally delete one or more configuration files from the set, they will be automatically restored after you relaunch LyciaStudio and open an .fm2 form.
  6. If in lyciastudio.ini you specify a path to a non-existing folder, the whole set of configuration files will be switched off.

How to switch off the configuration set

If you do not want to use one or more configuration files, you can "switch them off" by commenting the corresponding line in listWidget.txt:


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