
qbuild is used to compile projects or programs into/from the Querix4GL format.


qbuild [options] ProjectRoot [target]

Possible options:

-? [ --usage ]

displays usage information

-V [ --version ]

shows the version of qbuild, code generator version, Lycia build number, and hash value

-v [ --verbose ]

produces verbose output (detailed compilation information)

-D [ --define ] arg

defines default properties for the Java Virtual Machine

-C [ --configuration ] arg

specifies the build configuration to be used for building a project

-M [ --build_mode ] arg

specifies the operation for qbuild to do - clean, build, deploy, rebuild, or all


specifies the non-default deployment location (is equal to Deploy with custom parameters in LyciaStudio) - is used only with -M deploy

-w [ --web-service]

replaces MAIN section in case of program or creates MAIN section with idle in case of library building.

Usage and examples:

qbuild produces one or more executable files or object files and places them to the output folder in the workspace. If only the path to the project is specified, the complete project will be built:

qbuild C:\work\ws\project4gl

If the path to the program or library is specified, only this program or library will be built:

qbuild C:\work\ws\project4gl program4gl

-C must be followed by the name of the build configuration you want to use for building a project:

qbuild -C <configuration_name>

-M specifies the operation to be performed with 4gl sources - clean, build, rebuild, deploy, or all.

The necessary mode must be specified:


removes the building results for the specified target - project, program, or library:

qbuild -M clean <path to the program folder>


builds the specified target:

qbuild -M build <path to the program folder>


deploys the application to the working directory of the AppServer instance selected by default for this program, project, or workspace (details are here):

qbuild -M deploy <path to the program folder> <program name>

Can be used together with the -d option to deploy to a custom external location:

qbuild -M deploy -d <path to the program folder> <program name>

qbuild -M deploy -d <path to a zip file> <program name>


executes both clean and build operations consistently


performs clean, build, and deploy operations consistently

If -M is omitted, the program is built by default - i.e., qbuild -M build is performed.

-w replaces MAIN section in case of program or creates MAIN section with idle in case of library building. Any application or library can be built as a web service. After deployment, all functions of built modules can be used as web service functions if their names start with "web_" or fit to the pattern defined in WEB_FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN runtime environment variable.

-V is used to obtain basic info about Lycia - the version of qbuild, code generator version, Lycia build number, and hash value:

qbuild Version: 7.1

Code Generator Version: 50

Build: 7.1.6672 00ec5b5 (rel)

Hash: 00ec5b538ab9e2fc7f3bf4e988296527c774cea6


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