
Function fgl_keyval() returns the integer code of a logical or physical key.

Description: FGL_KEYVAL()%20function

The fgl_keyval( ) function returns NULL unless its argument specifies one of the following physical or logical keys:

The argument should always be placed between speech marks.  If a single letter is specified,

fgl_keyval() becomes case-sensitive. When more than one character is used as the argument the case is not considered.

If the argument is invalid, fgl_keyval() returns NULL.

This code sample presents a message console that displays the integer value of the Escape key.


DISPLAY "fgl_keyval(\"escape\") - Escape Key has the following value: ", fgl_keyval("escape")



This code sample presents a message console that displays the integer value of any keyboard key that the user presses:

The screen shot taken from the fgl_keyval2_function program shows the result of the user pressing the ‘f’ key on the keyboard.

Using fgl_keyval() with fgl_getkey() or fgl_lastkey()

fgl_keyval() can be used in form-related statements to examine a value returned by fgl_getkey() or fgl_lastkey().  By comparing the values returned by fgl_keyval() with what fgl_getkey() or fgl_lastkey() returns, you can determine whether the last key that the user pressed was a specified logical or physical key. Typically, you are most likely to use the fgl_keyval() function in conditional statements and Boolean comparisons:



DEFINE msg CHAR(100)


DISPLAY "*** fgl_lastkey() Example 1 ***"  at 1,5

PROMPT "Press any key" FOR CHAR x

LET msg = "You pressed a key with value: ", fgl_lastkey()

CALL fgl_message_box(msg)



To determine whether the user performed some action, such as inserting a row, specify the logical name of the action (such as INSERT) rather than the name of the physical key (such as F1). For example, the logical name of the default Accept key is ESCAPE. To test if the key most recently pressed by the user was the Accept key, specify fgl_keyval("ACCEPT") rather than fgl_keyval("escape") or fgl_keyval("ESC"). Otherwise, if a key other than ESCAPE is set as the Accept key and the user presses that key, fgl_lastkey() does not return a code equal to fgl_keyval("ESCAPE").  The value returned by fgl_lastkey() is undefined in a MENU statement.



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