DEFINE statement is used to declare the names and the data types of the 4GL variables.

DEFINE statement can be followed by one or more declare blocks separated by commas:

Data type declaration

A block where a user-defined data type is declared

Variable declaration

A block where the data type of a variable is declared


There are two patterns of declaration in Querix 4GL:

These blocks can co-exist within one DEFINE statement.

A name of a variable can be any set of characters except for the names that are reserved for the built-in global variables like status, int_flag, quit_flag, etc. A variable that has not been defined cannot be used in the program code.

The total space that can be occupied by the variable names of one program is limited to 2 gigabytes, although your system can impose additional constraints on the storage space available for the variable names. In programs compiled to p-code, the storage space allocated for the variable names of a report or a function cannot be larger than 32,767 bytes.

Variables defined within a GLOBALS file can be visible to all the program modules which use this GLOBALS file.


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