DIALOG statement is used to combine different user interaction statements and to execute them simultaneously. It does not in itself allow the user to enter values into fields or view the displayed data, it only serves as a container for input and display clauses and coordinates their work and allows them and work in parallel. Here is its syntax:


An optional ATTRIBUTE clause where the attributes for DIALOG statement can be specified.

INPUT clause

A variant of an INPUT statement with its optional clauses and the obligatory END INPUT keywords.


A variant of an INPUT ARRAY statement with its optional clauses and the obligatory END INPUT keywords.


A variant of a CONSTRUCT statement with its optional clauses and the obligatory END CONSTRUCT keywords.


A variant of a DISPLAY ARRAY statement with its optional clauses and the obligatory END DISPLAY keywords.

DIALOG control clause

This clause contains all optional control blocks allowed within the DIALOG statement.


The DIALOG statement is used to handle different parts of the same form simultaneously by means by several input or display statements. It cannot include input or display statements which reference fields of a form that is not located in the current window. It also cannot reference fields that belong to different forms. When the DIALOG statement starts executing, it activates the current form which is the most recently displayed form of the current window. This means that it activates all the fields and widgets on the form that are referenced by the underlying sub-dialog clauses.  After the DIALOG statement finishes executing, it deactivates the form.


The INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, CONSTRUCT, and DISPLAY ARRAY clauses included into the DIALOG statement share their syntax and behavior with the independent INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, CONSTRUCT, and DISPLAY ARRAY statements. However, as a part of the DIALOG statement they have some syntax peculiarities .


A DIALOG statement can be nested into another DIALOG statement by means of the DIALOG control clauses. In this case the parent dialog will be suspended until the child dialog is finished or terminated.


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