WebAPI Example

Below is a example session, which uses cURL for the CMS demo application running on the Querix web server.

To run the same application in UI mode click here.


To start the application:

curl -c cookies.txt -X POST "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/run/cms_not_demo/cms_2016/cms.exe"


The application is in idle and it waits for the login form.

To check current field values:

curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/get"


Or the value of the required field:

curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/get/operator.name"



To log in and continue with the accept action:

curl -b cookies.txt -X POST "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/action/accept"



To view the list of current actions:

curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/current/actions"



To choose the contact menu item:

curl -b cookies.txt -X POST "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/action/f102"



To return the last name of the currently selected contact:

curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/get/contact.cont_lname"


To return the picture of the currently selected contact:

curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/get/contact.cont_picture"



To move to the next page:

curl -b cookies.txt -X POST "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/action/next"



To return the last name once more:

curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/get/contact.cont_lname"



To exit the application:

curl -b cookies.txt -X POST "http://online-demos.querix.com/LyciaWeb/esapi/action/quit"




WebAPI Reference