To meet your needs, we constantly work to improve Querix products.
This means that Lycia documentation is developing as well.
In case you have found a certain dissonance between the provided information and the actual behavior of Lycia 3 and/or your applications, please, let us know about this via so that we can introduce the necessary changes to our documentation.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
To make sure that applications look and feel properly when run on mobile devices, 4gl developers must consider the responsive design when writing a program.
We recommend using classes in order to make an application easy-to-read and navigate through it with minimum scrolling, resizing, and panning.
No special file formats are required for an application to run on a mobile client. Mobile application is developed in the same manner as non-mobile ones, with all adaptive changes taking place within the existing file formats (*.4gl, *.qxtheme). Moreover, one and the same application can be successfully executed via LyciaTouch, LyciaWeb, and LyciaDesktop.