Lycia Configuration


Lycia configuration is performed by setting and changing the necessary environment variables in the corresponding configuration files (or file analogues):



To configure Lycia (or its separate components), you need to:


General Lycia configuration files:






Environment variables:

general environment variables

Lycia environment variables

database environment variables


All configuration files can be changed and modified.


Depending on the definite configuration file, you might need to restart Lycia components.



When configuring Lycia, you have to pay attention to localization settings: Without properly set locale, you might get issues when using different character sets and creating 4gl applications for certain languages:

Guide for locale settings

Setting the application locale

Setting the database client locale

Character length semantics

Date and time settings


Besides configuring the environment in general (by configuring Lycia or its separate components), you can also specify the necessary environment variables for separate projects and programs.