Getting the License


To use Lycia 3, you need the license. You can either use our trial license or buy the full license from Querix or Querix authorized resellers.

Trial license has a number of critical restrictions which will be described later in this section. As to the full licenses, they differ depending on the number of runtime seats available and the validity period.


If you are interested in getting a full license, please, contact the Querix support team or one of our resellers. Detailed information about license purchasing can be found in the Pricing section of our website.


This section covers both installing and activating trial and full licenses for Windows and Linux. For any further information, please, contact the Querix support team by email ( or Skype (


Particular steps you will follow to install and activate a trial license depend on whether your computer has Internet connection.


Please, remember that trial license is the license which is available to anyone who has downloaded and installed Lycia 3 free of charge.


Trial license has a number of restrictions:


Please, also pay attention that Lycia trial licenses are supplied together with a trial license for Querix 4GL AppAnalyser.