
The SetFieldHidden() method is used to specify the value of the VISIBLE field attribute of the field or fields with the given name. It has basically the same effect as the Visible property of a theme file:


    DEFINE wo ui.Window

    DEFINE fo ui.Form

    DEFINE prod_id INTEGER

    DEFINE article CHAR(20)

    OPEN WINDOW orders WITH FORM "ord_list"

    LET wo = ui.Window.getCurrent()

    LET fo = wo.getForm()

    INPUT BY NAME prod_id, article

      ON ACTION ("hide")

        CALL fo.setElementHidden("idlabel",1)

        CALL fo.setFieldHidden("products.prod_id",1)

      ON ACTION ("show")

        CALL fo.setElementHidden("idlabel",0)

        CALL fo.setFieldHidden("products.prod_id",0)




It accepts two parameters: first is the name of the field and the second is the value of the VISIBLE attribute. The value of the VISIBLE attribute can be either 0 (then the field will be visible) or 1 (then the field will be hidden)

Note, that at least one field should remain visible, otherwise, the current user interaction process will stop.

The EnsureElementHidden() is a synonym for this method used for compatibility purposes.