

GroupIdentifier property specifies the name of a RadioButton group to which the current RadioButton will be put. All the RadioButtons that are to be included to the same group should have one GroupIdentifier:


GroupIdentifier unites the radio buttons into one object and it is the Identifier that should be referenced in INPUT or DISPLAY statements:

INPUT a FROM my_group


Each item of a Radio Button group, when selected can pass its own value to the related variable and/or invoke an event, which is typically an OnCkeck/OnUncheck one.

To write to more than one variable, you need to create separate radio button groups, each group having its own Identifier.

If the value returned by the radio button field is a null string or does not match any of the radio button values, all buttons are shown as ‘not’ selected. 

Alternatively, you can use a radio button to trigger key events, instead of writing values to variables directly. This may be required if you want to execute some program logic straight after the user has selected an item from the radio button group.