Specifies the path to the folder where Lycia is installed (is obligatory for correct Lycia behavior).
LYCIA_DIR=<path to folder>
Usage and examples:
At installation, Lycia uses this folder to locate important libraries, files, and executables.
At compilation and when running applications, these libraries, files, and executables are taken from the folder specified in LYCIA_DIR:
All the file and directory names you use in your 4gl development must be platform-independent.
If you use platform-dependent names (e.g., combine upper and lower case, use colons, finish names with a full stop, etc.), please remember that they might cause different problems when you move your project to another platform.
LYCIA_DIR applies both at compilation and at runtime, so it can be set in inet.env, in env.properties, and in environ.bat (if you use command line tools).