Synchronize view

Synchronize view shows the difference between your local resources and their remote versions (existing in GIT or CVS repositories).

We recommend using the Synchronize view only when you work with CVS repositories.

When you work with GIT repositories, use the History view.

In the Synchronize view, you can

Synchronize view toolbar

From the toolbar of the Synchronize view, you can perform these actions:

Synchronize CVS

allows comparing local and remote files:

Pin Current Synchronization

allows pining the current synchronization:

  • pinned synchronizations are not replaced with the next synchronization of the same type;
  • unpinned synchronizations are replaced with the next synchronization of the same type.

By pinning the synchronization you can keep it around for easy access. This allows  automatically updating  changes made to the workbench resources. 

Show File System Resources

opens a list of models that can be displayed in the Synchronize view:

Collapse all

collapses all the expanded entries in the view

Next Difference

goes to the next difference displayed in the view (Ctrl + .)

Previous Difference

goes to the previous difference displayed in the view (Ctrl + ,)

Incoming Mode

shows the changes that exist in the remote repository but do not exist in your workspace yet (= other developers' changes)

Outgoing Mode

shows the changes that exist in your workspace but are not pushed to the remote repository yet (= your changes)

Incoming/Outgoing  Mode

shows both your changes (= not pushed to the remote repository yet) and changes from other developers (= not brought to your workspace yet)

Bidirectional merge is very complicated that is why you must be very careful with this mode.

Conflicts Mode

shows only conflicts (= files changed both in the workspace and in the repository)

Update All Incoming Changes...

updates all incoming changes and auto-merges all the conflicts

Do not use Update All Incoming Changes... when working with GIT repositories because it will lead to unpredictable merging results.

Commit All Outgoing Changes...

commits all outgoing changes (conflicts are not included in the commit)


View menu

opens the drop-down menu

From the drop-down menu of the Synchronize view, you can perform these actions:

Pin Current  Synchronization

pins the current synchronization

Link with Editor

links the resources between the Navigator view and the active editor

Remove Current Synchronization

removes the current synchronization

Remove Un-Pinned Synchronization

removes the previously pinned synchronizations



changes the mode = filters the data that will be displayed in the view:


  • Incoming changes shows the changes that exist in the remote repository but do not exist in your workspace yet (= other developers' changes)
  • Outgoing changes shows the changes that exist in your workspace but are not pushed to the remote repository yet (= your changes)
  • Both shows both Incoming and Outgoing changes
  • Conflicts shows conflicts (= files changed both in the workspace and in the repository)

Restore Removed Items

restores items previously removed from the view


Preferences →

opens the Synchronize preferences dialog:



allows synchronizing the CVS repository automatically at certain time intervals:

Context menu

From the context menu, you can perform these actions:

Show in

opens the necessary files in one of the listed views - Navigator, Project Explorer, History, or System Explorer views:


copies the selected files

Paste patch

pastes the selected patches to the view


deletes the selected files


moves the selected files


renames the selected files


compares the local and remote versions of the file and replaces the the local version with the remote one

Expand All

expands all the collapsed entries in the view

Remove from View

removes the selected files from the view


updates the selected files and auto-merges conflicts (non-mergeable conflicts are merged manually)


commits changes to the CVS repository

Override and Update

replaces all the files with their remote versions (conflicts are auto-merged)

Mark as Merged

after conflicts are resolved manually, marks the corresponding files as outgoing changes

Add to .cvsignore...

adds the selected files to the .cvsignore list

Create Patch

starts the Create Patch wizard

Apply Patch

starts the Apply Patch wizard


creates a new branch tag

Show Annotation

displays the revision data for the selected file

Show in History

opens the History view

Change ASCII/Binary Property...

allows configuring how your files are transfered by CVS - as ASCII or binary files:



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