Applying global properties

Applying global properties to all form elements

Step 1. Unfold the Set property group from the Diagram view.

Step 2. Select BackgroundFill ColorNew custom color and add it to the Styles view.

Applying global properties to form elements of the Same Type

Step 1. Unfold the Elements group from the Diagram view.

Step 3. Unfold the Set property group from the Diagram view.

Applying global properties to form elements using class filters

It is possible to apply a predefined set of properties to a number of objects. For this purpose classes are used.

With class ...

Apply class ...

Step 2. Drag and drop the Description: win7_32_lycia2 (4GB RAM) [Запущено] - Oracle VM VirtualBox_2013-12-13_14-09-44.pngApply class ... filter to the Styles view within the Button object.

With Pseudo-Class ...

A pseudo-class filter allows you to apply some specific property to the elements of your program only when they are in a specific state. Among states from the list of states available for a pseudo-class filter are focus/no focus, active/inactive, input, prompt, display and some others. Their detailed description is here.

A pseudo-class filter is applied in this way:

Step 1. Drag and drop the Description: WithPseudoClassFilterDiagram.pngWith Pseudo-class... object to the Styles view inside the Text Field element.

Step 2. Select  the Focus state from the drop-down list.

Step 3. Place the background color property within the pseudo class property.

Full-Screen Mode

As the adaptation of the user interface for the device utilized by the user is one of the highest priority tasks of a developer, we provide you with an example of how the full-screen mode can be set in Lycia Theme Designer.

Below is an illustration of how a full-screen class can be applied to all the windows of an application filtered with the lycia_mobile class filter. Note, that such a modification, based on applying the lycia_mobile class filter to the theme, effects an application, only if it is run on a mobile device:

Theme Styles diagram:

Description: Lycia Theme Designer_2014-04-16_16-10-21.png

Generated XML-code:

<ElementFilter ElementName="Application">


      <WithClassFilter ClassName="lycia_mobile">




              <ElementFilter ElementName="Window">



                    <ApplyClass Name="full-screen" />










Applying global properties to form elements using hierarchical filters

Descendants ...

Description: DescendantOfFilterDiagram.png'Descendants ...' filter refers to all the descendants of the specified element. For example, the descendants of a form are the Tool Bar and Status Bar as well as all the form widgets. The descendants can be viewed from the Form Tree view.

To apply a property to all the descendants of an element follow these steps.

Step 1. Place the Toolbar element onto the Styles view.

Step 2. Place the Description: DescendantOfFilterDiagram.png Descendants... filter within this element.

Children ...

With the help of the Description: ChildOfFilterDiagram.png Children ... filter, you can apply the properties to all the children of the element specified. Children refer to immediate descendants of the first order. You can use it the same way as the Descendants... filter.


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