HASHMAP is a structured data type that defines an associative array of unordered elements accessed by a key.
HASHMAP [OF data-type]
data-type can be a data type, a record definition, a user-defined type, a built-in class, an imported package class, or a Java class.
Defining HASHMAP :
Method Name |
Description |
GetLength() |
Returns the number of elements in a hash table. |
GetKeys() |
Returns a DYNAMIC ARRAY of all keys in the HashMap. |
Delete(INT index) |
Deletes an element with index. Returns TRUE If the operation is successfully performed, otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Delete(INT first, INT last) |
Deletes all elements from the first to last. Returns TRUE If the operation is successfully performed, otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Remove(VARIANT key) |
Removes an element with the "key" key. Returns TRUE If the operation is successfully performed, otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Insert(VARIANT key, VARIANT value) |
Inserts an element with a defined key and value. It fails if the key already exists. Returns TRUE If the operation is successfully performed, otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Modify(VARIANT key, VARIANT value) |
Inserts or updates an element with a defined key and value. |
Clear() |
Removes all elements from hash table. Returns TRUE If the operation is successfully performed, otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Join(HASHMAP ht) |
Appends an element from “ht” hash table. |
Find(VARIANT key) |
Returns an element with the “key” key. |
GetKey(INT index) |
Returns a key of an element by index. |
GetValue(INT index) |
Returns a value of an element by index. |
KeySort(INT direction) |
Sorts HashMap by key. "direction" > or = 1 - performs the sorting in the ascending order; "direction" < 1 -performs the sorting in the descending order. "direction" is an optional parameter that is equal to 1 by default. Any further operation that modifies data (like Insert, Remove, etc.) will remove the current sorting. |
ValueSort(INT direction) |
Sorts HashMap by value. "direction" > or = 1 - performs the sorting in the ascending order; "direction" < 1 -performs the sorting in the descending order. "direction" is an optional parameter that is equal to 1 by default. Any further operation that modifies data (like Insert, Remove, etc.) will remove the current sorting. |
CustomSort(STRING funcName). |
Sorts Hashmap using defined function. This is a binary function that accepts two elements of the HashMap. Any further operation that modifies data (like Insert, Remove, etc.) will remove the current sorting. |
ResetSorting() |
Resets any sorting. |
CopyTo(HASHMAP dst) |
Copies all elements of the HashMap into another HashMap. |
KeyExists(VARIANT key) |
Returns TRUE if data with the defined key exists, otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
ValueExists(VARIANT value) |
Returns TRUE if data with the defined value exists, otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Element keys:
Elements are identified by a key in HashMap. Similar to an INDEX ARRAY, a key allows access to the element it references. A key can be any type that can be converted to a string. Obviously, keys must be unique.
Keys are used in HashMap subscripts. The key value must be enclosed in square brackets:
LET ht["key1"] = "value1"
DISPLAY ht["key1"]
HashMap variable is passed to function only by reference and not by value. Thus, any changes in function will be applied to a variable from the calling function.
HashMap can be interacted by INPUT ARRAY or DISPLAY ARRAY. In this case, HashMap is interpreted as:
value <defined-data-type>
Built-in actions INSERT, DELETE, APPEND and UPDATE are prohibited in INPUT/DISPLAY ARRAY with HashMap variable. But you can modify this variable by defining appropriate custom actions like in the code example below:
MAIN DEFINE hm HASHMAP LET hm["field1"] = "val1" LET hm["field3"] = "val3" LET hm[9] = "val9" CALL func(hm) DISPLAY "hm[10] = ", hm[10] CALL hm.remove(10) OPEN FORM f1 FROM "hashmap" DISPLAY FORM f1 INPUT ARRAY hm WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM inp.* ON ACTION "modify" LET hm["field2"] = "val2" ON ACTION "delete" CALL hm.remove("field1") END INPUT DISPLAY ht END MAIN FUNCTION func(hm) DEFINE hm HASHMAP DISPLAY "hm[9] = ", hm[9] CALL hm.remove(9) LET hm[10] = "val10" END FUNCTION
hashmap.fm2 form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <form xmlns="http://namespaces.querix.com/2015/fglForms" title="New Form 1"> <form.rootContainer> <CoordPanel identifier="rootContainer" visible="true" preferredSize="791,564"> <Table location="16,66" preferredSize="280,88" visible="true" enable="true" fieldTable="formonly" identifier="inp"> <TableColumn text="key" resizable="true" allowNewlines="true" visible="true" enable="true" fieldTable="formonly" identifier=""> <TextField dataType="Char,,,," visible="true" enable="true" fieldTable="formonly" identifier="f1"/> </TableColumn> <TableColumn text="value" resizable="true" allowNewlines="true" visible="true" enable="true" fieldTable="formonly" identifier=""> <TextField dataType="Char,,,," visible="true" enable="true" fieldTable="formonly" identifier="f2"/> </TableColumn> </Table> </CoordPanel> </form.rootContainer> <form.screenRecords> <ScreenRecord identifier="inp" fields="f1,f2"/> </form.screenRecords> </form>
Sorting HashMap:
DEFINE hashmap_value TYPE AS RECORD f1 INT, f2 STRING END RECORD MAIN DEFINE hm HASHMAP OF hashmap_value LET hm["key_1"].f1 = 5 LET hm["key_1"].f2 = "str1" LET hm["key_2"].f1 = 2 LET hm["key_2"].f2 = "str2" LET hm["key_3"].f1 = 9 LET hm["key_3"].f2 = "str3" DISPLAY "Sorting by key:" CALL DisplayHashmap(hm) DISPLAY "\nSorting by value Asc:" CALL hm.ValueSort(1) CALL DisplayHashmap(hm) DISPLAY "\nSorting by value Desc:" CALL hm.ValueSort(0) CALL DisplayHashmap(hm) DISPLAY "\nSorting Asc by 'f2' field using function CompareAsc:" CALL hm.CustomSort("CompareAsc") CALL DisplayHashmap(hm) DISPLAY "\nSorting Asc by 'f2' field using function CompareDesc:" CALL hm.CustomSort("CompareDesc") CALL DisplayHashmap(hm) END MAIN FUNCTION DisplayHashmap(hm) DEFINE hm HASHMAP DEFINE i INT FOR i = 1 TO hm.GetLength() DISPLAY "'", hm.GetKey(i), "' - '", hm.GetValue(i), "'" END FOR END FUNCTION FUNCTION CompareAsc(a, b) DEFINE a, b RECORD key REFERENCE, val dict_value END RECORD RETURN a.val.f2 < b.val.f2 END FUNCTION FUNCTION CompareDesc(a, b) DEFINE a, b RECORD key REFERENCE, val dict_value END RECORD RETURN a.val.f2 >= b.val.f2 END FUNCTION