
The file management functions allow 4gl developers to manage files and directories on the application server. You are able to find the file name from a given path and similarly you can find just the directory from a given file path. You are also able to create and remove directories and paths on the server side.


This function will attempt to create the directory passed to it. The function returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. For example:


would create this directory – /docs/productX/help. The default location for creating this directory is the current working directory. If it is required that the directory is created on another drive, then you are able to specify this, though care should be taken as specifying drives is not standard across different operating systems.

All the file names you use in your 4gl development must be platform-independent.

If you use platform-dependent names (e.g., combine upper and lower case, use colons, finish names with a full stop, etc.), please remember that they might cause different problems when you move your project to another platform.

If you use a CHAR variable as the function argument, remember, that the trailing white spaces are added to the CHAR variable, if the value assigned to it has fewer characters than the declared variable size. It is highly possible that the directory name will contain all these trailing white spaces. Use VARCHAR variables to avoid this effect.


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