
upshift() takes a character-string argument and returns a string in which any lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters.

Description: UPSHIFT%20()%20Function

upshift() is most often used to regularize data; for example, to prevent the state abbreviation VA, Va, or va from resulting in different values if these abbreviations were logically equivalent in the context of your application.

You can use upshift() in an expression where a character string is valid, in DISPLAY and PRINT statements, and in assignment statements.

Non-alphabetic and uppercase characters are not altered by upshift().  The maximum data length of the argument (and of the returned character string value) is 32,766 bytes.

This sample program shows how to convert a string to upper and lower case.


DEFINE input_string char(50)

DISPLAY "*** UPSHIFT / DOWNSHIFT Example ***" AT 1,5

CALL fgl_winprompt(5,5,"Enter a string - max 50 characters", "not-specified", 50, 0) returning input_string

#convert to lower case

CALL fgl_winmessage("DOWNSHIFT converts to lowercase", DOWNSHIFT(input_string), "info")

#convert to upper case

CALL fgl_winmessage("UPSHIFT converts to uppercase", UPSHIFT(input_string), "info")




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