
Using this function, it is possible to specify a divider for dynamic toolbars. A divider is a separator between keys in the shape of a thin indented line. This feature can be used to make clearer the distinction between keys and provides more design choices for the developer. 

There are 2 functions for adding dividers:



The reason for having two functions is so that, as mentioned previously, there is a temporary function available for only accepting input, i.e., the fgl_dialog_keydivider() function.

This function draws a divider between two keys. The location of the divider is based on the keys’ ordinals and specifying, in the function call, a value between the two ordinals that you wish to have the divider appear. It is not possible to set a key divider on a location already occupied by a key label.

To clarify, imagine we have 2 keys defined:

key.accept.text = "Accept Key"

key.accept.order = 10

key.f1.text "F1 Key"

key.f1.order = 20

We can place a divider between the two keys by passing any location between 10 and 20 to the function, so a simple call would be:

CALL fgl_dialog_keydivider(15)

# As 10 < 15 < 20 a divider will be drawn

# between the Accept and F1 keys


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