
fgl_grid_export() allows an application developer to export a grid’s contents to a clipboard or file, in either a text or html format. This function passes five parameters; as well as the Record Name, Export Type and Format, the Start and End Index values can also be specified which are applicable to the grid. Specifying an Index range will allow the developer to define which rows of the grid are going to be exported:


Please note that the filename parameter is only required when specifying ‘file’ as the export type.

Two export formats are available: HTML and CSV. To express CSV as a parameter you can use the following script:


It is important to note that for fgl_grid_export() that where a Type of ‘file’ has been entered and a file name is not specified, the client will display a Save File dialog box allowing users to enter a file name and file location.

When you specify a file name, be careful with its case.

UNIX is case-sensitive, so it will treat files which names come in different cases as separate files.


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