
getBuffer() is used to retrieve the data from the Drag-and-drop buffer. You have to identify the current MIME type with getSelectedMimeType() before you use getBuffer(). getBuffer() returns a string value and does not need any arguments.

You should remember that drag-and-drop data can be reached only during the ON DROP block execution, therefore, getBuffer()can be used only in this block.

DISPLAY ARRAY pr_arr TO scr_arr.* ...


     ON DRAG_ENTER(dd)

       -- If the MIME type is unavailable, set operation to NULL


       WHEN dd.selectMimeType("text/plain")

       WHEN dd.selectMimeType("text/uri-list")


         CALL dd.setOperation(NULL)

       END CASE


     ON DROP(dd)

       -- Select MIME type and retrieve data from buffer

       LET s_row = dd.getLocationRow()

       CALL DIALOG.dropped_row("scr_arr", s_row)

       IF dn.getSelectMimeType() == "text/plain" THEN

         LET pr_arr[s_row].dragegdtext = dd.getBuffer()

       END IF




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