
The dragged objects can be copied or moved to the new destination. setOperation() is used in the ON DRAG_START clause to specify the default drag-and-drop action.

setOperation() does not return anything and can pass one of these three arguments:


Makes drag-and-drop actions copy the source object


Makes drag-and-drop actions move the source object


Makes the program cancel/deny the drag-and-drop process

You can call setOperation() within any of the drag-and-drop triggers. It is commonly used in ON DRAG_START block to specify the result of the drag-and-drop action, as well as in ON DRAG_ENTER and ON DRAG_OVER blocks to cancel drag-and-drop events, when the dragged object format does not correspond to the format of the target place. When the method is used in ON DRAG_ENTER block, it forces a defined drag-and-drop operation to be performed.


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