DIALOG statement can have an optional ATTRIBUTE clause which can have only two attributes: UNBUFFERED and FIELD ORDER FORM.
If this attribute is absent, the cursor moves through the fields in the order in which they are specified in the corresponding INPUT, CONSTRUCT or INPUT ARRAY statement. If it is present, the field order is defined by the TABINDEX attribute value of each field:
This attribute indicates that the DIALOG must be sensitive to the program variable changes. The UNBUFFERED attribute can have an optional Boolean value, e.g.: UNBUFFERED = 1 or UNBUFFERED = 0. The TRUE (1) value is equal to the keyword UNBUFFERED used by itself, the FALSE(0) value is equal to omitting the attribute.
The UNBUFFERED dialog mode allows you to avoid having to update the field buffer using the built-in functions before being able to use the value of the current field in a control clause. If the UNBUFFERED attribute is present or set to TRUE, the following actions are undertaken by the program, if any ON ACTION or ON KEY block is triggered:
If the UNBUFFERED attribute is absent or set to FALSE, the following actions sequence executed by the program, if any ON ACTION or ON KEY block is triggered: