Form Properties

Lycia forms have hierarchic multilevel parent-child structure. The main parent object of is the form itself. The form direct children are tool- and menu bars, records and a root panel. The root panel is the object that contains all the other form widgets, and some of these widgets may also have child elements.

The Design view includes a Structure panel, which displays two elements – the form Components and the form Properties views.  The Structure panel is placed at the right part of the Design view and can be hidden by pressing the  button at the top left corner of the Structure panel:

As it can be seen in the screenshot above, the Components view displays the form components structure in a tree, so that it is easy to keep the trace of the parent-child relations among the form components. It is possible to select form objects not only from the Design area, but also by clicking on them in the Components view.

The Properties view is placed under the Components view and allows to see and to change the properties of the currently selected object. The view is empty if no object is currently selected. If several objects are selected, only their common properties will be available.

The set of the properties in these groups depend on the currently selected object. Some of the properties are available for all the available form objects or foe all members of a corresponding objet group (containers or widgets). The other properties are object-specific. The properties in the Properties view are organized into groups according to their purpose. The properties allow to set up the objects appearance, behavior, interaction with the user and application at runtime, etc.

The Form Builder supports multi-line values for the form items properties. For details, refer to the Properties View page in the Form Builder documentation.


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