ID filter

The Description: ElementIdFilterDiagram.png 'With ID ...' filter allows you to apply properties to a specific program element. This filter has a field, where the element`s ID must be specified.


The ID of the element required can usually be found in the Form Tree view. In the majority of cases, it is  defined by the programmer. The ID of a field is the field name, specified in the form file; the window ID is the name, given to a window when it is opened, or its title, when it is opened by a built-in function, etc.


If this filter is placed into the Styles view as a root element, without being included into any other object (filter), the specified properties will be applied to all of the form elements with the specified ID. If an application contains a window defined as 'f001' and several forms have a form field with    the same name, all these elements will be affected. To avoid ambiguity, use unique names for    each of the form element.


To apply properties to a single specific element, place the 'With ID ...' filter within other filters. The 'With ID ...'  filter inside the Window element ensures, that the properties will only be applied to the windows with the specified ID. And no other form elements will be influenced by   them, even if their names coincide.


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