Trigger attributes

In Lycia, every trigger of an application action has a fixed set of attributes:

Among these attributes, only identifier is mandatory, and other ones are optional and can be used to modify the look and feel of the trigger.

Identifier (mandatory)

Identifies (= names) the trigger. Is used to associate the trigger with an action.

Data type: STRING

Possible values: any, if meets the requirements

Specific requirements:


Specifies the text displayed to the trigger.

Data type: STRING

Possible values: any

Specific requirements:

Action image

Specifies the image which is displayed to the trigger.

Data type: STRING

Possible values:

a path to the image file,


Specifies the text that is displayed at hover and usually describes the action.

Data type: STRING

Possible values: any

Accelerators (1-4)

Defines the accelerator key(s) that will trigger the action at runtime.

Data type: STRING

Possible values: key names or their combinations

Specific requirements:


Determines whether triggers are visible even if they are not defined.

Data type: BOOLEAN

Possible values:

Default value: false


Determines whether data validation is required for the action.

Data type: BOOLEAN

Possible values:

Default value: false

Show in Context Menu

Determines whether the action can be triggered from the context menu.

Possible values:

Default value: auto

Default view

Determines whether the trigger is visible on the toolbar.

Possible values:

Default value: auto


Allows pining triggers in the form of a toolbar button to the navigation bar in Lycia with Material Design.

Data type: STRING

Possible values:

Default value: top-popup


Indicates in what order triggers appear on the toolbar.

Data type: INTEGER

Possible values: any integer

Default value:

not defined which means that the trigger is added to the end of the list of actions.



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