Client-side resources

Private client-side resources

Built-in client-side resources

Public client-side resources

Client-side resources are resources processed by the client (opposite to server-side resources, processed by the server).

With Lycia, there are three groups of client-side resources that are widely used in 4gl applications:

Besides these groups of resources located on Lycia webserver, you can also use external resources - resources located on any other webservers and accessed via their direct URL.

Private and built-in client-side resources are considered more secure because of the fact that they cannot be accessed from outside the application. On the contrary, public client-side resources are considered less secure because of the fact that they can be accessed from outside the application.

However, private and built-in client-side resources have their drawbacks, e.g.:

Using public resources is the solution to overcome these drawbacks:

When you specify a file name, be careful with its case.

UNIX is case-sensitive, so it will treat files which names come in different cases as separate files.

Private client-side resources

There are two types of private client-side resources - from the 4gl program, they are referred to by prefixes qx://application and qx://clienttemp.


qx://application resources are the resources added to a 4gl program as a client requirement:

These files are a part of the program (and the project) and are written to the the .tr2 file.

At runtime, they are processed by the special handler on the webserver - /res.

In your 4gl program, you refer to these resources by the URI:




For example,


qx://clienttemp resources are the resources located in the temporary directory generated on the client side.

qx://clienttemp resources are the only resources located on the client - the other types of resources are located on the server.

Do not confuse resources processed by client/server and resources located on client/server.

At runtime, they are processed by the special handler on the webserver - /tmp.

In your 4gl program, you refer to these resources by the URI:




For example,



CALL ui.Interface.frontcall("html5", "styleImport", ["qx://clienttemp/skins/latin_america.css", "copy"], [])

Built-in client-side resources

There are two types of private client-side resources - from the 4gl program, they are referred to by prefixes qx://embedded and qx://icon.


qx://embedded resources are the resources embedded in Lycia and installed together with its LyciaWeb client.

By default, qx://embedded resources are located in these folders:

C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia\jetty\temp\jetty-*.dir\webapp\pack

C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia\js_wb\pack



In your 4gl program, you usually refer to these resources by the URI:




For example,



qx://icon prefix was intentionally implemented to allow Lycia users works with iconic fonts (e.g., Font Awesome).

qx://icon prefix tells the client that there will be no image that could be set as the HTML image source.

In your 4gl program, you usually refer to a font icon by the URI - qx://icon/<class> <icon name>.

For example,

qx://icon/fa fa-thumbs-up

Before using font icons, make sure that you have told Lycia to use this font.

E.g., you can do it by adding this line to your user style sheet:

@import url('');

Public client-side resources

So, public client-side resources are resources stored in the folder specified in the web-server configurations. These files can be used by many applications of the same webserver and can be viewed by anyone with the link.

Default webserver configurations for using public client-side resources

Default location for the public client-side resources is this

Lycia goes with an instance of Jetty web server.

With Jetty, default location for the public client-side resources and default context-path alias = public are specified in the file public.xml located at


With public.xml, you can use these references to a resource file:



instead of this


Both variants – /public/logo.png and {CONTEXT}/public/logo.png - are synonyms and point to the same file. The difference is when you use each variant.

{CONTEXT} was implemented to support context paths with Lycia source files (.4gl and .fm2 sources, .qxtheme theme files).

So, when you refer to a public client-side resource from your 4gl code, .fm2 source, or .qxtheme theme file, you must use {CONTEXT}/public/logo.png.

When you refer to a public client-side resource from your .js scripts or .css styles, you can use /public/logo.png.

At runtime, {CONTEXT} is replaced with the address of the webserver from which the application was loaded.

For example,

the application URL is


and the application has an .fm2 form with an image specified as

<Image imageUrl="{CONTEXT}/public/myok.png"/>

For the webserver, resulting links to the image is


Custom webserver configurations for using public client-side resources

You specify the location of the public client-side resources when you configure your webserver.

If we assume that you have installed Lycia with its default parameters and configurations and thus work with the Jetty web server, then you must do this to configure it for using public client-side resources:

Step 7. Save public2.xml.


After these configurations, you will be able to use this reference to a resource file:


instead of this

If your resource base is a remote webserver, then you will see its resource catalogs only if that webserver was configured to show them.

Otherwise, you will be able to see only definite resources by using their full context paths.



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