Importing files from the file system

4gl programs can include 6 groups of files - 4gl source files, form files, theme files, images, text files, and other files like styles and scripts, documents, media, etc.

You can store these files on your file system and add them to your programs when necessary by the Import wizard:

To import a file from your file system, please follow these steps.

Definite importing procedure does not depend on the file type, so we'll use an image file as a simple example.

Step 1. Start the Import wizard in one of the ways described here.


The imported files are not automatically added to the necessary program (compare the screenshots above and below) and are not processed then programs and projects are compiled, built, and run:

To make an imported file a part of the program, you have to add it to this program as a requirement following these steps:

You can use this method to import many files at once.

Refer here to find out how you can create a new project of these files.



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