Creating local repositories

To be able to store your projects, you need to create both remote and local GIT repositories.

In this page, we deal with creating local repositories.

You can learn how to create a remote repository here.

Before you start

GIT repositories are intended to secure a successful team work.

To be able to trace any commits to their authors, you have to set the user's name on every working station:

GIT user settings are saved to the .gitconfig file stored in your repository folder.

Local GIT repositories can be created in two ways - from the 4GL perspective and from the GIT perspective.

Method 1. Creating a local repository from the 4GL perspective

Creating the repository folder

To create a local GIT repository from the 4GL perspective, choose a 4gl project which will serve as a temporary anchor for your local GIT repository.

Even though all the actions described below seem to be conducted on and for a definite project, they end up in creating the local repository but not committing to it.

To learn how to commit to your local repository, refer here.

At Step 3, you have to configure your future repository.

Initializing the repository structure

To be able to work with your local GIT repository, you have to initialize its structure.

Now your local GIT repository was created and its structure was initialized, you can start committing your projects to it.

Do not forget that after you have performed these steps, your repository is still empty and the project you have used as a temporary anchor is not added to it.

Here is what you get after initializing the repository structure:

Here is what you get when the 4gl project was added to the repository:

Method 2. Creating a local repository from the GIT perspective

You can also create a new local GIT repository from the GIT perspective:

Creating the repository folder

To create a new local GIT repository, please follow these steps.

Initializing the repository structure

To initialize the repository structure, please follow these steps.


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