Extending Lycia clients with plug-ins

LyciaWeb and LyciaDesktop are based on the HTML5 technology but use different packaging options.

Their interface is generated fully on the client’s side based on abstract model objects. These objects are received from the server via the lightweight change propagation protocol. So default options and behavior of both Lycia clients can be altered by custom JavaScript, CSS or HTML5 imports.

We use the term LyciaClient to refer to both LyciaWeb and LyciaDesktop in cases then the details provided are not specified.

CSS is case-sensitive and Lycia is not (including .qxtheme files). That is why when using .js scripts and .css styles, you must follow these translation rules:

  1. Lycia class names and identifiers are written in lower-case letters:

    MyId2 → qx-identifier-myid2

  2. Lycia types are written in lower-case letters with dashes added to show where the upper-case letters were originally used:

    TextField → qx-aum-text-field


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