Full-screen windows


Most users prefer running mobile applications in a full-screen mode for easier handling and navigation.


There are three ways to make a mobile application run in full screen - by STYLE attribute, via a user theme, by specifying the last attribute for fgl_window_open().


STYLE attribute


To achieve the necessary result (to open window in full screen), add the style attribute to the 4gl code:


OPEN WINDOW w_name WITH FORM "form_name" ATTRIBUTE(BORDER, STYLE="full-screen")


where a STYLE attribute value full-screen stand for a class name that enables the full-screen mode.


User Theme


Lycia Theme Designer allows 4gl developers to use special classes to adjust application layout depending on the operation system of the mobile device, lycia_mobile for any mobile devise regardless of its OS, lycia_iphone for iOS, and lycia_android for Android.


To achieve the necessary result (to open window in full screen), apply the full-screen class via the With class filter:


<StyleSheet xmlns="http://querix.com">

  <ElementFilter ElementName="Application">


      <WithClassFilter ClassName="lycia_mobile">




              <ElementFilter ElementName="Window">



                    <ApplyClass Name="full-screen" />












In the screenshot above, an application will open in full screen regardless of what mobile device it runs on. However, this will have no effect if the application is executed via LyciaDesktop or LyciaWeb.




To open the window as a flat one and in full screen, set the last parameter to FALSE:


CALL fgl_window_open("w_test", 2, 2, "form_name", FALSE)


To open the window as a bordered one, set the last parameter to TRUE:


CALL fgl_window_open("w_test", 2, 2, "form_name", TRUE)



Related articles:


Lycia Theme Designer

Predefined Lycia classes
