Specifies the paths to search for  programs or shared libraries (on Windows  ) or  binary executable files (on Linux ).




PATH=<path to folder>


Usage and examples:


PATH must include all the folders used to store programs and libraries on Windows and binary executable files on Linux.

By default, these values are set in inet.env:


Path=C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\bin;C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\lib; C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Common\bin; $PATH




This value is not unchangeable and can be modified according to you development needs.


LD_LIBRARY_PATH applies both at compilation and at runtime, so it must be set in inet.env, in, and in environ.bat.