Specifies which and how database errors are written to the application log file.




QX_LOGNATIVESQLERRORS={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}


Possible values:


These values - {1, 2, 4} - are basic for  QX_LOGNATIVESQLERRORS:



writes to the application log file:

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the last error received from the Lycia database driver


writes to the application log file:

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the error message from the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed


writes to the application log file:

§      an INTEGER value that holds the code of the error from  the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed


The other values - {3, 5, 6, 7} - are obtained as a combination of the basic QX_LOGNATIVESQLERRORS values:



3(011) =

2(010) + 1(001)

writes to the application log file:

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the last error received from the Lycia database driver,

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the error message from the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed


5(101) =

4(100) + 1(001)

writes to the application log file:

§      an INTEGER value that holds the code of the error from  the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the last error received from the Lycia database driver


6(110) =

4(100) + 2(010)

writes to the application log file:

§      an INTEGER value that holds the code of the error from  the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the error message from the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed


7(111) =

4(100) + 2(010) + 1(001)

writes to the application log file:

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the last error received from the Lycia database driver

§      a CHAR(n) value that holds the text of the error message from the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed

§      an INTEGER value that holds the code of the error from  the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed


Usage and examples:


QX_LOGNATIVESQLERRORS takes an INTEGER from the above list as a parameter to specify which database errors are written to the application log file:




In this case, the application log file will get both error code and the text of the error message from the native RDBMS for the last SQL statement executed.


If QX_LOGNATIVESQLERRORS is not defined, database errors will not be logged.


QX_LOGNATIVESQLERRORS applies at runtime and must be set in inet.env.


Log files for the running applications are stored in these folders:


C:\ProgramData\Querix\Lycia 7\logs







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