Adds an new item to the top menu item - Window - that shows all the applications currently running in the MDI mode.




QX_MENU_WINDOW={any non-empty value}


Possible values:



variable is not set or is set with an empty value


variable is set with any non-empty value


Usage and examples:


In the MDI mode, you can add an new item to the top menu item - Window - that shows all the currently running applications:




Here you can read more about MDI mode, and here you can find some interactive examples.


There are two ways to enable this button:

by defining the QX_MENU_WINDOW environment variable in inet.env with any non-empty value (though we recommend setting it to 1):




by setting the value of gui.menu.window in fglprofile.std.


By default, QX_MENU_WINDOW is set in inet.env (and the button is enabled):



To disable this button, you can:

delete/comment QX_MENU_WINDOW out or set it to an empty value in inet.env: QX_MENU_WINDOW=

set gui.menu.window to false in fglprofile.std: gui.menu.window = false



Related articles:

MDI mode
