FORM data type serves as an analogue for a static form identifier and makes the DISPLAY FORM statement more dynamic. It is a special Querix 4GL data type created to make forms the dynamic objects which can be manipulated, it belongs to the Object data types. Like any other variables is can be declared with different scope of reference, which gives a form more flexibility. FORM variables may be passed to and from functions.


A variable of the FORM data type can serve as a dynamic form identifier. It cannot be assigned values directly using the LET statement. Assigning values with the help of the LET statement or in any other way may cause unexpected behaviour. Variables of this data type could be used with the special methods developed for them, which are called in the same way as a function.


The methods used with these variables allow the programmer to open, display, close a form as well as get its parameters:



loads the actions settings from a toolbar specified in the form file


loads a toolbar


loads a top menu


specifies a default initialization function that will be used to process globally all the forms opened by a program


specifies the image for a form element


changes the text for a form element


allows hiding form fields


allows modifying display style of a static form widget by applying a class name to it


opens a form from a form file


displays a previously opened form with the specified display attributes


closes a form opened with a open() method and frees the resources allocated to it


retrieves the height of the form in rows


retrieves the width of the form in columns


specifies how an element is aligned relative to vertical borders of the parent container or cell


retrieves the alignment of the specified element


ensures visibility of  the specified form element


ensures visibility of  the specified form field


They resemble traditional 4GL functions, but are actually methods which are used together with a FORM variable and must be separated form it by a full stop. Here is the syntax:




In this case the name of the variable is at the same time the name of the form. Forms can still be opened closed and displayed using the statements and static form identifiers as well as using the built-in functions.