Horizontal Alignment

This property specifies the horizontal alignment of an object in a parent container or cell.

Vertical Alignment is applicable to elements inside any container except CoordPanel, and a StackPanel with the orientation property set to horizontal.


in Lycia Form Designer

in Lycia Theme Designer



Form XML code:


A Label with the horizontal alignment set to Center:


<Label text="Label"  identifier="id" horizontalAlignment="Center" preferredSizeisible="100.0,40.0"/>


Theme XML code:











Possible values:



Default value:



Inheritance diagram:



Influence and behavior:


Vertical Alignment



The object is horizontally stretches along the whole parent container if it can have only one element in a row, or along the whole border, or involved cells.

The default behavior for vertical alignment is defined in SystemTheme.


Stretch ignores the preferredSize property and fills available horizontal space in a row, or along the whole border, or involved cells.


The object is moved to the left border of the container or the left-most container cell.


The object is placed in the center of the line on which it is situated.


The object is moved to the centre of the vertical line on which it is situated.


Conflicting configurations:


For all widgets: setting the widget alignment property to Stretch or Default and specifying a preferredSize, results in an unexpected runtime behavior because of the layout conflict:

Alignment=Stretch + preferedSize ???

For all widgets: the combination of widget alignment set to Stretch or Default, and gridLengthType set to Auto results in an unexpected runtime behavior:

Alignment=Stretch + gridLengthType=Auto ???
stretch = size the child space to fit the parent space

auto = size the parent space to fit the child space

CVS server: client.querix.com

CVS repository: /presentation

User: client

Project: form-demo3-2014





