To meet your needs, we constantly work to improve Querix products.
This means that Lycia documentation is developing as well.
In case you have found a certain dissonance between the provided information and the actual behavior of Lycia 3 and/or your applications, please, let us know about this via so that we can introduce the necessary changes to our documentation.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
A menu object is a horizontal line that visually separates menu options in the drop-down list of the menu group.
MenuCommands and MenuSeparators cannot be added directly to the MenuBar (only to the MenuGroup). Otherwise, it will be impossible to manipulate them at run time.
<menuseparator fieldType="FORM_ONLY" fieldTable="formonly" enable="true" visible="true" identifier="ms5"/>
To add a MenuSeparator widget to the form,add a menugroup select it from the Form Widgets folder in the Palette view and click on the target cell of the grid container (next to the Registered label). Adjust the field size the same way you did it for the labels, the button and the text fields.