Form Widgets


Widgets are graphical elements located in the form and used for data input and display as well as for the program workflow manipulation.




Buttons can be placed on a form to record user input in the form of clicking on a button. It can contain text or it can be a clickable image. The text and the image are changeable. The button click can be mapped to a key event or an action event, defined on the form.

Widget specific properties:         IsToggleButton, Text, AllowNewLines, Image, OnInvoke




Browser embeds a fully functional browser into the form. The file browser will attempt to render the source specified in its field value. You can use the browser to view web pages, files, images and folders on your computer. The file browser is also useful to merge 4GL applications with Web-based applications

Widget specific properties:         Text (the address for the browser to load), Events




Canvas is used to display interactive SVG images.

Widget specific properties:         Image, Events




CheckBox is used to place check boxes on a form.  They are used to select one or more values from a range of options.  They can also be used for True/False or Yes/No values, by checking the box only for a positive response to the static text statement alongside it.

Widget specific properties:         CheckedValue, UncheckeckedValue, OnCheck and OnUncheck, Title, Image




ComboBox will usually display a drop-down-list with a button on the right-hand side to make the list appear. The list can be populated statically within the form definition using the ComboBoxItem widget. It is also possible to manipulate combobox values at runtime by using the fgl_list_xxx() functions.

Widget specific properties:         Editable (allows text input into the combo box possible), Initializer




Calendar can be used to place a calendar function within a form field that needs a date to be entered. The date can be entered into the text field after selecting it from the popup window, else a date can be manually added. The format for the date is taken from the environment variable DBDATE, unless otherwise specified.

Widget specific properties:         Century




FunctionField allows introducing fields where the user can click on the button when the field is in an INPUT state. This button can have an icon associated with it. The button should be used to trigger a key or action event, which is defined in the Properties section.

Widget specific properties:         Image, OnInvoke




Label is a form widget typically used to display data that cannot be manually changed by the user on runtime. This can be some text or an image..

Widget specific properties:         isDynamic, Image, Text, textAllignment, AllowNewLines, Forecolor, OnMouseClick




Listbox is used to display structured list of values the user can choose during the input. The whole list is displayed to the form and cannot be changed at runtime..

It is possible to select several items at once. The Listbox widget is filled with Listbox items that can also be taken from the Palette

Widget specific properties:         EnableMultiSelection, OnSelectedItemChange




Radiobuttons allow creating groups of items of which only one option can be chosen. You can have one single or several radio button items in one radio button group but all items in the group will write to the same variable.

Radio Button widget allows to add radio buttons to the custom location on the form, unlike the RadioButtonList widget, where all the items are grouped in one place and definite order.

Widget specific properties: Value, GroupIdentifier, OnCheck/OnUncheck, Title, Image, textAlignment




RadioButtonList is a container that allows you to create a set of radio buttons grouped automatically under one identifier. The widget is filled with radioButtonListItem objects that create the set of the available values

Widget specific properties: Orientation, OnSelectedItemChange




ProgressBar is used to display a numeric value within the specified range. It is typically used to display graphically the level of progression of some process or some level of fulfilment.

Widget specific properties: Orientation, Maxvalue, Minvalue, Step




Slider is an graphical widget that allows to input or display a numeric value by changing the position of a slider on a scale.

Widget specific properties: Maxvalue, MinValue, orientation, OnValueChanged




Scrollbar is used to manipulate numeric values within the specified range. It can be used to input values, but is more likely to make the application perform some actions when the user moves the scrollbar slider (OnScroll event).

Widget specific properties: Maxvalue, MinValue, LargeStep, SmallStep, Orientation, OnScroll




Spinner is a graphical widget that allows entering numeric values both manually or using the spinner arrow buttons..

Widget specific properties: Step, maxValue, MinValue




TextField is used for user input. It can be mapped to represent a field in a database, can be set to be a no-entry field, the type for the field and many attributes such as the field color, font and can be set, amongst many other features and settings.




As with TextField, TextArea is used to input and display text data of different formats. The value inputted to the text field can include any printable characters. The only feature that distinguishes Text Area from Text Field is that Text Area allows the data string to be split into several lines. This option is activated by setting the AllowNewLines property value to True.

Widget specific properties:         AllowNewLines, UseTabs, Horizontal/VerticalScrollBarVisibility, TextAlignment




TimeEditField is displayed like a spinner field with three numeric buttons separated with a colon symbol.

The spinner is used to change the hours, minutes and seconds values, depending on the part of the time value in which the cursor is currently set.




WebComponent is a form widget that can serve as a seat for external objects, or front-end plug-in mechanisms.

The WebComponent properties are used to specify the object to be used and to set it up. The settings allow to establish communication between the application and the web-component..

Widget specific properties:         ComponentType, ComponentProperties