Form Structure


The WindowBuilder designer includes the Structure view which displays the form structure in a tree format.



The Form Structure displays all the elements present in the form and their parent-child relations. It is important that the Structure view displays all the elements and structures present in the form, including the objects invisible in the Editor area, such as screen records. You can select these objects in the Structure view to set up their properties

In the Structure view, you can not only see the structure of the form and select the objects to manipulate their properties, but also copy, paste and delete elements, manipulate screen records and perform some other actions. These actions are performed using the context menu.

The context menu includes the following options:

·         Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete - perform classic edition operations;

·         Refresh - refreshes the information displayed by the Structure view;

·         Layout - allows to change the root container;

·         Add To Screen Record - add the selected element to a screen record;

·         Delete Tags - deletes the selected type of tags from the form file (i.e, location, data type, displaymodes tags, etc.)

Some of the elements can have their own options available in the context menu. For example, the Radio Button widget has the Change Item Order option.