

Lycia FormDesigner supports a set of form object properties that give the programmer better control of the form behavior and layout.

To give the user the convenient control of the properties, Lycia 3 introduces the Properties view in which the properties of the currently selected element are displayed and can be modified. The Properties view is opened automatically when an .fm2 form is opened. Below is given a screenshot of the Properties view:



The properties view is displayed as a table containing two columns.

The first column is the Properties column displaying the names of the properties organized in a tree list. The top level of the tree displays the names of the property groups, based on the properties purpose. You can fold and unfold property group lists, if needed.

All the properties are sorted in groups according to their purpose. Each object has its own set of properties. There is a number of properties available for all the containers, properties, available for all the widgets, and properties, specific for one or several objects.

The Properties view is organized in such a way, that it is possible to display all the available properties or only the most frequently used ones. By default, the latter option is chosen. To see all the properties, press the Advanced properties button at the top right corner of the view:



The different elements of the form, depending on their purpose and behavior, can contain different sets of property groups and properties. 

The property groups, as well as the properties within the groups, are listed in the alphabetical order, which makes them easier to find.

The Value column displays the values, set up for the properties.  You can see all the properties of the group or subgroup in the group name line, and the value of each property on the property level:



To see the properties of an object, click on the object within the form or select the element in the Form Structure view.


Adding property elements and lists


Some of the properties need one or several sub-properties or values to be specified. For example, you need to specify the colours and styles, add the list of the values acceptable within a field, etc.

There are two kinds of situations, where additional values and elements are needed:



You can set up one or several of these properties. Sometimes, the properties have their own sub-properties, e.g., the location property needs X and Y coordinates to be specified:





When a value type is defined, a "+" button appears to the left from the Includes property. Click the button to unfurl the property:





To add a new value to the Includes list, click the green "+" button next to the Includes property name again. To delete a value, click the red "-" button.

Note that for different properties values and elements are specified in different ways and may have different sets of sub-properties.


Bulk Edition


It is possible to edit several fields simultaneously, if you want them to have the same values for one or several common properties.

To do it, you need to select several fields at once with the Marquee tool or clicking the necessary widgets with the Control key being pressed.

The Properties view will display only the properties available for ALL the selected items. Any value entered now will be automatically passed to all the selected widgets.