Launching Preferences

The Launching preferences can be used for configuring launching options.

The diagram above illustrates the default launching settings.

Save required dirty editors before launching

This option specifies whether the Studio should save the dirty editors before an application is launched.

Wait for ongoing build to complete before launching

This option specifies whether the Studio should wait till the ongoing building is complete before launching an application.

Launch in debug mode whenever the workspace contains breakpoints

This option specifies whether an application which contains breakpoints should always be run in the Debug mode even if the run button is pressed.

Continue launch if project contains errors

This option specifies whether the current project should be run, if a project related to it contains a compile-time error.

Build (if required) before launching

If the project requires building, an incremental build will be performed prior to launching an application.

Remove terminated launches when a new launch is created

When a new application is run in the Debug mode, other terminated applications are removed from the Debug View.

Size of recently launched applications list

Here you can set the limit to the number of launches which will appear in the Run/Debug pulldown launch history menus.

Launch Operation

This option specifies what resource should be launched, when the run or debug button is pressed on the toolbar.

The Default Launchers page allows you to select what tool is to be used for launching an application, if more than one tool exists for the same thing. This page remains disabled most of the time, because the conflict of tools is very rare.

Launch Configurations Preferences

This preferences page allows you to set the launch configuration filters. Here you can set filtering options that are used throughout the Studio to hide some kinds of launch configurations. These filtering setting affect the launch dialog, launch histories and the workbench.

Filter configurations in closed projects

Select to filter out the launch configurations for the currently closed projects.

Filters configuration in deleted or missing projects

Select to filter out the launch configurations for the deleted or missing projects.

Apply windows working set

Applies the filtering from any working set currently active to the visibility of configurations associated with resources in the active working sets.

Filter check configuration types

Select to filter all configurations of the selected type regardless of the other filtering options.

Delete configurations when associated project is deleted

Select if you want the launch configurations associated with a project to be deleted when you delete the project.


Sometimes new features may be added to the launching framework of the LyciaStudio. Some of these features may be implemented automatically and some may require migration. Upon pressing the Migrate... button, if there are any configurations requiring migration, they are displayed, and the user can select the ones they want to migrate. The configuration migration can be reversed.


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