Project Definition .fglproject File

.fglproject File

Tags List

Example .fglproject File

Keys and Values in .fglproject Files

Note: This page is targeted mostly for Lycia VS Code Extension as LVSCE is a currently supported Lycia 4GL development environment. Some content of this page describes tags of LyciaStudio project files, which will appear in the files imported into LVSCE.
Attention: After you edit .fglproject file, click the Refresh button of FGL Project Explorer:

.fglproject File

The .fglproject file is created by LVSCE at the project creation, and stores the information about the project structure, database used. It also contains build, deployment, and launch information.

Tags List

FGL Project


Database Driver


Path Entries


Build Targets


Default Launch Server



Build Configurations


Build Variables



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Example .fglproject File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<fglProject name="1">


<item driver="oracle" id="com.querix.fgl.core.dbname" useProjectSpecificDatabase="true"/>

<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.pathentries">

<pathentry kind="src" path="source"/>

<pathentry kind="out" path="output"/>


<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.buildtargets">

<buildTarget location="" name="library" type="static-c-library"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="library1" type="dynamic-c-library"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="library2" type="fgl-library"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="program" type="fgl-program"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="program1" type="c-program"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="webservice" type="web-service"/>


<item id="com.querix.fgl.launching.guiserver">

<guiServer name="default" useWorkspaceDefault="false"/>

<installSubdir dir="test"/>


<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.buildconfigurations">

<buildConfiguration active="true" name="config"/>


<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.variables">

<buildVariable name="SOME_CONFIG" value="&quot;one_option&quot;, 'two_option'"/>

<buildVariable name="LYCIA_DB_DRIVER" value="odbc"/>





Keys and Values in .fglproject Files

FGL Project

<fglProject name="1">


Key Description Value
name The name of your project <custom_name>


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Database Driver

<item driver="oracle" id="com.querix.fgl.core.dbname" useProjectSpecificDatabase="true"/>


Key Description Value Value Description
driver Lycia database driver that will be used with project compilation. oracle The driver to use for Oracle databases.
informix The driver to use for Informix databases.
odbc The driver to use for PostgreSQL, MS-SQL, MySQL databases.
useProjectSpecificDatabase The indication of what database driver to use. true This option enables using Lycia database driver during compilation.
false With this option selected, the compiler will use the database driver settings, specified in settings.json. This setting will override the driver parameter.


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Path Entries

<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.pathentries">

<pathentry kind="src" path="source"/>

<pathentry kind="out" path="output"/>


Key Description Value Value Description
kind The type of the path. scr The type of the path for program source files location.
out The type of the path for program output.
path The relative path for directories containing program source and output files. source

Default value LVSCE sets for src path type (the source directory inside program’s root folder).

This value can be the same as the one for out path type, but we recommend to store source and output files in separate directories.

output Default value LVSCE sets for out path type (the output directory inside program’s root folder).

(not recommended) If the value of path for src or out is set to empty, LVSCE will store source files or output files in program’s root folder.

<custom> Custom source or output path.


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Build Targets

<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.buildtargets">

<buildTarget location="" name="library" type="static-c-library"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="library1" type="dynamic-c-library"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="library2" type="fgl-library"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="program" type="fgl-program"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="program1" type="c-program"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="webservice" type="web-service"/>

<buildTarget location="" name="program" outputLocation="program_subdir/prog" type="fgl-program"/>


Key Description Value Value Description
location The location of a certain build target. <empty> Project’s src folder.
<path> Custom path, relative to the src folder.
name Key for build target name. <file_name> Every entry is a separate build target name.
type Type of build target. This setting defines how LVSCE should process the build target. fgl-program FGL program
c-program C program
fgl-library FGL library file
static-c-library Static C library
dynamic-c-library Dynamic C library
web-service Web service

Program and media file’s deploy location.

Note: By default, programs and media files get deployed, saving the same file and folder structure they had in source folder.
<path>/<folder_name> The name and path to the sub-folder where to deploy the program and its media files, within default deployment directory. If that folder doesn’t exist, it will be created if you specify it in this part of .fgltarget file. For example, with an extra sub-folder specified, the program will be deployed to the following application server location: C:/ProgramData/Querix/Lycia/progs/<folder_name> or /opt/Querix/Lycia/progs/<folder_name>


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Default Launch Server

Specify the launch server using LVSCE Settings UI menu.

Note: The launch server can also be specified in the settings.json files. However, .fglproject file’s values will override the settings.json values. Read more about LVSCE settings here: Settings Precedence.

<item id="com.querix.fgl.launching.guiserver">

<guiServer name="default" useWorkspaceDefault="false" />

<installSubdir dir="llc" />


Key Description Value Value Description
name This defines the name of the server to use. default With this set, Lycia / LVSCE will use the default server instance.
secure With this set, Lycia / LVSCE will use the secure server instance.
<custom_name> Custom server name, specified in listener.xml.
useWorkspaceDefault This parameter defines whether LVSCE will use the server name from .fglproject file or server name from settings.json file. true LVSCE will use the GUI server name value from settings.json. This value overrides the name parameter above.
false LVSCE will use the value of name parameter above.
Key Description Value Value Description
dir Directory for deployed applications for the project in LyciaStudio (Eclipse IDE). <empty> The root folder on the application server, set as a default deploy instance.
<custom_path> The sub-folder on the application server, set as a default deploy instance.


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Build Configurations

<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.buildconfigurations">

<buildConfiguration name="nondef"/>

<buildConfiguration active="true" name="nondef2"/>


Key Description Value Value Description
name The name of non-default build configuration. <custom_name> The name of build configuration, specified during the Add Build Configuration action in FGL Project Explorer.
active The key for marking a currently active build configuration in the list of all build configurations the project has. true Can also be set using FGL Project Explorer (the Set Build Configuration as Active option).


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Build Variables

This section contains the variables used for compilation. Those are:


<item id="com.querix.fgl.core.variables">

<buildVariable name="LYCIA_DB_DRIVER" value="odbc"/>

<buildVariable name="LYCIA_PER_CONVERT_CHECKBOX" value="'Yes', 'No'; 'Retry', 'Cancel'" />

<buildVariable name="LYCIA_PER_CONVERT_CALENDAR" value="1" />

<buildVariable name="LYCIA_PER_CONVERT_COMBOBOX" value="50" />

<buildVariable name="DB_LOCALE" value="en_US.utf8" />


Key Description
name The environment variable name.
value Environment variable value(s).

Note: Specify the pairs of values (for example, values for LYCIA_PER_CONVERT_CHECKBOX) in the following format:

"'Yes', 'No'; 'Retry', 'Cancel'"


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