
ui.ComboBox.ForName() initializes the ui.ComboBox object = binds a combo box existing in a .fm2 form to the specified variable of the ui.ComboBox type.


LET <cmb_var> = ui.ComboBox.ForName("cmb_id")



identifier of a combo box existing in a .fm2 form (STRING)

Usage and examples

Takes one argument - the identifier of a combo box existing in a .fm2 form:

LET cmb= ui.ComboBox.ForName("f1")

After initializing the ui.ComboBox object, you can use other ui methods to manipulate this combo box - both its contents and runtime appearance and behavior.

If you do not initialize the ui.ComboBox object (bind it to the combo box in a .fm2 form), you will not be able to manipulate this combo box with ui methods.


If you omit the ui.ComboBox.ForName() method or pass an empty argument to it and then refer to the ui.ComboBox object at runtime, you will get a runtime error - 9234. Uninitialized object cannot be used:

LET cmb = ui.ComboBox.ForName("")

If you pass a wrong argument (i.e. wrong combo box identifier) to ui.ComboBox.ForName(), you will get one of these results:



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