
isDynamic specifies whether label text or image can be changed at runtime using the DISPLAY ... TO statement.

Form XML code:

<Label isDynamic="true" identifier="lb1"/>

Possible values:

true, false

Default value:


Associated containers, widgets and theme elements:


Associated ui methods:



Influence and behavior:

By default, labels are dynamic which means that you can change their text and image at runtime.

When the isDynamic property is set to true, DISPLAY ... TO will change the text and/or image at runtime. Otherwise, DISPLAY ... TO will have no runtime effect.

lycia form designer

With Label One (identifier=lb1), isDynamic=true:

With Label Two (identifier=lb2), isDynamic=false:

runtime appearance

At runtime, you can find out whether the label is dynamic or static and change it by means of ui methods:

DEFINE lb ui.Label


LET lb = ui.Label.ForName("lb1")

CALL lb.setIsDynamic(0)

DISPLAY lb.getIsDynamic()

4gl code sample

CALL lb.setIsDynamic(0)

DISPLAY lb.getIsDynamic()

DISPLAY "not dynamic" TO lb1

CALL lb.setIsDynamic(1)

DISPLAY lb.getIsDynamic()

DISPLAY "dynamic" TO lb1

runtime appearance

runtime appearance

The examples above were taken from the example programs.



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