Disabling the Built-In Actions
Example Demo Program: settings_actions_insert_field_after
Example: Record Edit Mode on DOUBLECLICK in DISPLAY ARRAY (List View)
'actions_on_done': Arranging Custom Actions Execution After the Built-In Actions
actions defines a list of custom actions that should be added to the interaction and executed before the built-in actions. Also, it can be used to disable the built-in actions. It is an optional setting, and a HASHMAP OF HASHMAP.
Note: Before proceeding, get acquainted with the Settings Levels section of LyciaLowCode Settings page (the concept of scopes is essential for configuring multiple interactions and the multitable support).
The definitions like LET <setting_variable>.<setting_name> = <value> refer to the InteractForm_Settings level, while LET <setting_variable>.views["<db_table_name>"].<setting_name> = <value> refers to the View level.
This setting can be defined for:
InteractForm_Settings level: Yes
View level: Yes
Setting format for the entire form:
LET <InteractForm_Settings>.actions[Parent Event ID][Event ID] = <call the function without any arguments>
Setting format for the View:
LET <InteractForm_Settings>.views["<db_table_name>"].actions[Parent Event ID][Event ID] = <call the function without any arguments>
The key of the first HASHMAP is the name of sub-interaction. If key is an empty string, actions are added to the main interaction (DISPLAY ARRAY or INPUT ARRAY).
DISPLAY ARRAY interaction has several sub-interactions (UPDATE, INSERT and QUERY), so you need to define the name of sub-interaction for defining actions for a specific interaction.
The key of the second HASHMAP is the action name in full format like ON ACTION myact. The value of second HASHMAP is a function that should be executed on triggering the defined action.
<InteractForm_Settings> here is the settings variable name you define.
Example 1:
LET settings.actions[""]["BEFORE DISPLAY"] = FUNCTION custom_before_display
LET settings.actions[""]["ON ACTION Accept"] = FUNCTION table_view # Adding custom action
Example 2:
If you set the function call to NULL, this will disable the corresponding built-in action. See the examples below:
LET settings.actions[""]["ON INSERT"] = NULL # Hide action INSERT
LET settings.actions[""]["ON APPEND"] = NULL # Hide action APPEND
LET settings.actions[""]["ON DELETE"] = NULL # Hide action DELETE
LET settings.actions[""]["ON UPDATE"] = NULL # Hide action UPDATE
Example program function, which uses the actions setting:
FUNCTION settings_rec()
DEFINE l_settings InteractForm_Settings
LET l_settings.form_file="../llc_settings/llc_settings_rec"
LET l_settings.actions["INSERT"]["AFTER FIELD test05_int" ] = FUNCTION actions_insert_after_field_test05_int
CALL InteractForm(l_settings)
Example function, called by the AFTER FIELD action event:
FUNCTION actions_insert_after_field_test05_int(iform InteractForm INOUT) RETURNS BOOL
DEFINE dlg ui.Dialog
DEFINE l_rec_test05 RECORD LIKE test05.*
#You can do any field validation here and update/change the data
CALL display_dialog_record(iform)
RETURN FALSE # Means that built-in function should not be prevented
When the data is displayed in a form of the list (DISPLAY ARRAY, List View), double-clicking on any row will invoke another Lycia LowCode process that will offer the user to edit the corresponding row in a Detailed Record View:
FUNCTION settings_list()
DEFINE l_settings InteractForm_Settings
LET l_settings.form_file="../llc_settings/llc_settings_list"
LET l_settings.actions[""]["ON ACTION DOUBLECLICK"] = FUNCTION settings_rec_input
LET l_settings.actions[""]["BEFORE ROW"] = FUNCTION actions_set_m_pk
CALL InteractForm(l_settings)
The actions_on_done setting triggers the execution of a custom action after the built-in action:
This setting can be defined for:
InteractForm_Settings level: Yes
View level: Yes
To trigger the action with a change event, provide the fields for ON CHANGE clause in the second HASHMAP. There are three available options:
For the function to be used as definition for the actions setting, and manage the built-in actions (or disable them), it must have one argument, receive the reference for current Lycia LowCode process record data (iform), and return the BOOLEAN status:
The function should return TRUE if it should prevent built-in / predefined action processing, and it should return FALSE if it should not prevent built-in / predefined action.
FUNCTION custom_before_display(iform InteractForm INOUT) RETURNS BOOL
CALL fgl_winmessage("BEFORE DISPLAY")
RETURN FALSE # Process the custom action code first, and then the built-in action code.